How to Delete Database in Notion (2025)

Databases in Notion help to organize data, keeping your workspace efficient. But if you won’t use that database any longer, delete it.

How then do you delete a database in Notion? Don’t worry as we’ll learn the steps of deleting databases in Notion below.

How to Delete Database in Notion 

Aside from the mere organizing of data, databases can help create various templates in Notion. From monthly planner templates to to-do list templates, you can tweak the views in the databases to serve their purpose.

But if you no longer need that particular database or you find editing it tedious, you can delete it in a few steps.

But, you can only apply the steps below to inline databases. If you open the database on a full page, you won’t find the option to delete it without having to delete the page as a whole.

So, if you have satisfied this criteria, do the following steps:

1. Click the 6-dot handle.

How to Delete Database in Notion Step 1

You’ll find this button on the inline database’s left side. You will now see a dropdown menu open.

2. Select the “Delete” option.

How to Delete Database in Notion Step 2

This is the first option you’ll see on the dropdown menu above “Duplicate” (which you’ll click to duplicate databases if needed).

After clicking this, the inline database will be deleted from the page. You can now proceed and add other elements to the Notion page that you need.

How to Delete Database in Notion Step 2

You can add a free Notion widget as a replacement to the database you deleted if you want.

How to Delete a Specific View of a Database in Notion

One thing that is great with Notion databases is the ability to add different views to them. Aside from the usual tabular view, you can add a Gantt chart view or a Kanban board view to it.

You can even make a gallery view if you want to create a photo album-type template.

But if you only need to delete a specific view and not the entire database itself, follow these steps instead.

Unlike deleting a database, the steps apply to both inline and full-page databases.

1. Click the database view you want to delete.

How to Delete a Specific View of a Database in Notion Step 1

A dropdown menu then opens below it.

2. Select “Delete.”

How to Delete a Specific View of a Database in Notion Step 2

This is the last option you’ll see on the dropdown menu after “Duplicate.” A confirmation pop-out window then appears in the middle of the page.

3. Click “Delete View.”

How to Delete a Specific View of a Database in Notion Step 3

This is the red button on the confirmation window.

Selecting this button deletes that specific view of the Notion database but leaves the original tabular view and its data intact.


Learning how to delete database in Notion helps maintain the workspace’s efficiency. But make sure you don’t have important data in there, as you’ll definitely lose it in the process.

So if you are keen to keep your Notion workspace organized, remove the clutter by deleting unused databases now.

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