How to Add GIF in Notion (2024)

Adding a fun element to your Notion workspace is easy thanks to GIFs. These moving images can bring life and express your ideas visually in a few simple steps. 

Whether you’re creating a project update, personal notes, or presentations, GIFs can add that extra touch of creativity in an instant! 

Adding GIFs in Notion — The How-Tos

This method is the most straightforward of the four methods. Just go to a GIF source website like GIPHY or Tenor. Then type the keyword of the GIF (usually the GIF category) in the search bar.

How to Add GIF in Notion by Pasting the GIF Link From a Source Website Step 1

Click the GIF to open it before copying its link from the address bar and pasting it on the Notion page you opened.

How to Add GIF in Notion by Pasting the GIF Link From a Source Website Step 2

Then paste the GIF link on a blank space and select the “Create embed” option on the dropdown menu.

How to Add GIF in Notion by Pasting the GIF Link From a Source Website Step 3

You can also type the “/embed” command and paste the copied GIF link there. Then, click the blue “Embed link” button. 

How to Add GIF in Notion by Pasting the GIF Link From a Source Website Step 4

Then, you have to wait for the GIF to start playing on your Notion workspace. Resize and reposition it accordingly.

Method 2: Adding GIFs to an Image Block

Though directly pasting the GIF link is easier, copying it into an image block is a more surefire method. Image blocks allow anyone to easily add, resize, and even arrange images regardless of the format.

Adding an image block in Notion can be done in two ways. One, you can open an image block by clicking the “+” button and selecting “Image” under the “Media” section. 

How to Add GIF to an Image Block in Notion Step 1

Another way is to type the “/image” command on a blank space and select the “Image” option on the menu. 

How to Add GIF to an Image Block in Notion Step 2

From there, copy the GIF link on the address bar, paste it on the embed field, and click “Embed image.”

How to Add GIF to an Image Block in Notion Step 3

Wait for the GIF to appear. Then you can resize and drag it to where you want it positioned on the workspace.

Method 3: Adding GIFS in Notion from the GIPHY Menu

If you don’t want to exit from Notion to insert a GIF, directly add one from the GIPHY menu on the image block.

Open an image block on the Notion page (typing the “/image” command or click “+” to add the image block from the menu. Then click the “GIPHY” tab and type the search keyword.

How to Add GIF in Notion from the GIPHY Menu Step 1

Select the GIF you want to add and wait for it to appear on the Notion page. Then resize and reposition it as you wish.

How to Add GIFs in Notion from the GIPHY Menu Step 2

Method 4: Downloading the GIF and Uploading it into a Notion Image Block

This method works best if you have a previously saved GIF on your computer’s hard drive. 

For this to work, you first open an image block on Notion. Again, you can directly type “/image” on a blank space or click the “+” button to manually insert an image block.

Upload the GIF into a Notion Image Block Step 1

Once the image block appears, select the “Upload” tab and click the “Upload file” button.

Upload the GIF into a Notion Image Block Step 2

Find the GIF file on your computer, select it, and click the “Open” button on the pop-out window.

Upload the GIF into a Notion Image Block Step 3

Then wait for the GIF file to load and appear in your Notion workspace. Drag it to its new position using the 6-dot handle to its upper left corner and resize it accordingly.

Upload the GIF into a Notion Image Block Step 4


Adding GIFs to your Notion workspace is straightforward. Regardless of how you embed those GIFs, you can now creatively express your ideas.

So, spice up your workspace and be entertained by the dynamic and lively experience that GIFs bring to Notion.

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